Limited Views 井与海 began as a personal writing project by artist Han Mengyun | 韩梦云. 

Deriving its title from the Chinese literary scholar Zhongshu Qian’s critical magnum opus Guanzhuibian (管锥编), Limited Views assumes the form of the awl to fathom the vastness of the world of knowledge and the depth of personal feelings, endorsing the value of fragmentary and individual utterances against intellectual systemization:

“A few short phrases jotted down carelessly often convey a refined and original insight that truly enhances understanding. The act of culling out and developing such passages may be a real contribution to theories of the arts.” (Qian, On Reading Laocoon, 1962)

Limited Views Publishing is founded to not only materialize in print the artist's personal writing projects, such as poetry anthologies, critical essays, as well as translation of texts rarely read and circulated in contemporary cultural discourse, but also to welcome writers from various disciplines to engage in the transcultural and transhistorical dialogue on art and letters. 


Han Mengyun

Adeena Mey



